Monday, January 11, 2010

I must apologize!

It has been forever since I've posted anything. And since this is my way to update people, it means nobody knows what's going on! I'm so sorry! It's been a crazy few months. We found out in November that we are expecting a baby. And it's taken some time to wrap our brains around that. To bring Vi into our family it was a long, involved process. And this baby is a surprise! Go figure! Baby is due around August 1st. And we are so excited, and still a bit shocked! So morning sickness isn't really conducive to blogging, I've discovered! We also just moved into a new wonderful home. We have missed a backyard terribly. So now we have space and a backyard! Ella's favorite parts are: 1. Chandeliers 2. Stairs in the house 3. A playroom. My favorite part is the space and that the move is over! I think that might be Cory's fave part too ... the move is over! So now we're settled, and the 1st trimester is almost over, so hopefully I'll keep everybody up to date better! Hope you all have a fantastic new year!


Unknown said...

Take your time.. you'll need your energy. : ) So happy for you all... having babies for us has never been easy and I am always so happy to hear ab out fun surprises like yours! HAng in there mommy. --H

April Hopkins said...

I'm so glad you are all doing well. Your girls are gorgeous. Hopefully we will see you this summer! April

Joe Average Writer said...

Congrats, yo! We're trying to figure out what to do with numero cinco.

Joe Average Writer said...
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