Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More updates

As many of you know, Cory was laid off the end of January. He was just hired last week for a short 8 week contract job with Logitech. So we're very grateful. We know it's only a short-term thing. But it's money coming in for 2 whole months! And he'll get paid while he keeps looking for a permanent job. We have an exciting month in March. Violet turns 1 (if you can believe it! I can't!), and we find out if we're having a boy or a girl. So we'll keep you posted! And hopefully I'll be better about posting pictures (especially of Violet's birthday)! Thanks to everyone for your support and prayers ... keep 'em coming!


Ella's Haircut

Ella has had semi-long hair forever. But this past week she said she wanted short hair. We discussed, at length, what she'd be giving up. But she was positive, a short hair cut is what she wanted. So off we went. The hairstylist had just cut the first 5 inches off her head, and asked "Why do you want short hair?" And Ella said "Because my friend Lauren got a hair cut and was getting a lot of attention, and I want attention too." Yep, that's why she cut her hair, for more attention at school. Too late to go back, so we finished the haircut. And she looks SUPER CUTE! I totally love it, I just have to wonder at her motives. But most importantly, she's very happy with how she looks. And she beams each time she sees herself in the mirror. That's always a good thing!

Violet's first artwork

The other day Ella comes running to me in a state of panic because Violet is drawing on her desk. I thought to myself ... "This can't be true, she's only 11 months old." So I follow Ella, and sure enough there's Violet happily drawing all over Ella's desk. Ella has only once drawn on something besides paper, and I know she wasn't this young. So I guess that means we better keep an eye on our little Picasso ... she's starting early!

The culprit (doesn't she look so innocent!)

Her artwork (I know it's light and hard to see, sorry!)

A campout inside!

One of the benefits of Cory being unemployed is that he does fun things that I just don't do. Like set up the 2 person tent in the playroom. The girls spent HOURS in there. Sometimes just rolling around and talking to each other. It was very cute to listen to!