Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We finally moved!

It's official. We sold our house and now we're all moved. It was a long couple of weeks, but it's all done. I drove by the old house yesterday and saw the new guy moving in. A very weird feeling to see someone else in your house. Our apartment is small, but efficient ... and most importantly: TEMPORARY! It's serving it's purpose, which is good! Cory really enjoys his 5 minute walk to work! And we love having him home for lunch everyday! Wilsonville is a lot different than Keizer. It has a lot of things we'll enjoy, but is missing a lot of others. Because we're so close Wilsonville depends on Portland for a lot of things. Like affordable grocery stores, and things like that. But we'll get used to it! Ella and I are both feeling a little home sick and we have a good case of cabin fever ... but we're working on it! We're just happy it's all over and done with! Now we can settle in and wait for the new baby girl in 4 short months!

We're having a GIRL!

It's another girl for the Nielsens! Cory will be sooooo outnumbered! I was SO SURE this time that it was a boy ... I asked the ultrasound tech to check again to make sure. I was totally shocked ... and completely excited! Ella is THRILLED! When I told her it was a girl, she said "I was begging for a girl!" And she just can't wait! She's giving us name suggestions ... and one of our favorites is actually one of her suggestions. Go figure! Anyway ... another girl! More pink and purple!